NOW, #15 is a great number to have at the deli counter but NOT SO GREAT at the Pearly Gates. In that scenario you want as much time as you can get.
Unfortunately in the game of life we don’t have a number to tell us when our time is up.
So what can we do?
Well, we can plan for that great big deli trip in the sky, now! And part of that planning is taking care of those that we leave behind; our loved ones, our spouses, our kids. Remember life insurance isn't for you, it's for them.
The basic social responsibility that we have as husbands, wives & parents is to care for those who need and love us. Life insurance is caring. Life insurance is love. Life insurance makes a difference.

September 2008 is Life Insurance Awareness Month. If you want concrete stories about how life insurance can save families, just go over the LIFE site and check out their realLIFEstories.
Life happens, but you, me, us, can make a difference.
Ninpo ik kan my friends...
David L. Holzer
Insurance Advisor & Martial Arts Guide